I really hope for all that have been involved with Pay Per Play that a lesson has been learned. That things that sound to good to be true actually are. I really feel sorry for MK and even more so due to his health. I do not want to loose lose the real value of this property so I will be using it more so for helping people find other useful things on the web.
Internet marketing is a great way to earn income. What is funny to see is industries missing it wide in their online marketing initiatives. On thing that can be done when you find a soft niche like Tulsa Chevrolet Dealers you need to capitalize on them.
So I have a protege that I am working with to help them dominate the Tulsa automotive market area!!
Internet marketing is a great way to earn income. What is funny to see is industries missing it wide in their online marketing initiatives. On thing that can be done when you find a soft niche like Tulsa Chevrolet Dealers you need to capitalize on them.
So I have a protege that I am working with to help them dominate the Tulsa automotive market area!!