Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Need to Waste this Space -

I really hope for all that have been involved with Pay Per Play that a lesson has been learned. That things that sound to good to be true actually are. I really feel sorry for MK and even more so due to his health. I do not want to loose lose the real value of this property so I will be using it more so for helping people find other useful things on the web.

Internet marketing is a great way to earn income. What is funny to see is industries missing it wide in their online marketing initiatives. On thing that can be done when you find a soft niche like Tulsa Chevrolet Dealers you need to capitalize on them.

So I have a protege that I am working with to help them dominate the Tulsa automotive market area!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

DOA as Promised

I had shut this blog down a while back because it really served no purpose anymore and really it probably does not any longer.  What has been interesting to see is that some of the staunch supporters who actually went after me for pointing out the holes and problems that voice2page and netaudioads has had in the past are now really out to make sure they never have a chance.

I really wanted to see this company succeed, due to the fact I am friends with people that have stakes in the company.  I wanted the mass number of people to make sure that they followed through with the things they were promised due to the fact they have a past of not doing the right thing running affiliate programs in the past.

Now it is just an after thought to add this site back to the mix. However google still looks at it as very relevant content because it was ranking number two for the search term netaudio ads even with blog closed to readers.  Now I will revisit here once a week or so and post interesting things that are found on the net as it relates to affiliate marketing.

Like now I have an apprentice that is attempting bum marketing with some user generated content sites to generate affiliate income via lead generation.  Her first keyword group she is going after is Tulsa Chevrolet Dealerships.  It will be fun to see how fast we can get a squidoo lens to rank for it.  Now it is on page five.  I think in a few days it will be on page one.  We shall see..

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