Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Fun Stuff

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year.  I spoke with a friend of mine who sells cars for a Cincinnati Ford dealer and he was able to take some time off because they have been seeing great traffic and sales from our Automotive SEO service. That is what the Holidays are about.  Spending time with family and enjoying time off from work.

Different than trying to promote other people multi level products like this netaudioads program that failed.  Just be careful with what you get involved with.  You are way better off to work your own business or build your own asset.  Don't keep looking for the next get rich thing based on some goofy recruitment program.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Maximizing Income from Traffic

Affiliate program participation requires traffic for you to be successful in your efforts.  Now that I have completely extricated myself from the membership style affiliate program and concentrating building my Automotive SEO firm however this does not stop us from participating in CPA style affiliate programs.  One thing that we do as part of portfolio to help market dealers is we create supporting seo assets to help boost client sites.  Each one of these properties have to pay their own weight versus relying on client income to pay for these assets.

Lately we have been creating a group of automotive listing sites targeting specific areas and products such as Texas direct auto and Greenville Chevy dealers.  These properties allow us to drive link equity to our clients while monetizing the traffic that hits these sites.  Once these sites start building traffic then it is time to concentrate on others, a rinse wash repeat strategy.  Then you wind up with a portfolio of properties that produce revenue on an ongoing basis.

Eventually we will be offering a course for people to get that will give them step by step process for setting up these income generating properties to use for their own income sources and revenue generating money sites.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why this Failed

I deal with people all over the country helping them with their online marketing initiatives.  In a recent conversation with a Cincinnati Ford dealer I asked them their thoughts on Auto Played Audio.

He Stated "I really hope all of my competition starts using auto played audio and videos.  It will increase the bounce rate on their sites and will offend surfers if it is being used to drive traffic in the form of advertising."

This is the exact reason this program did not perform well.  Interruption marketing is really a dead marketing paradigm.  Car dealers are better off to divert a small portion of their adverting budget to automotive seo versus looking for more ways to interrupt peoples lives.

That is excited when dealerships contact us to build out dealer microsites for them our most recent conquest is for a Greenville Chevy dealer.  We built them a site to help drive traffic to them and their Chevy Silverado inventory it is performing nicely and converting leads like crazy.  The customers that land there were already looking for what the dealer sells and did not get flagged to visit by a very obtrusive audio ad.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Using Squidoo for Multiple Streams of Income

I love to use squidoo for affiliate product promotion and but now I also help dealerships with full service online promotion.  I have personally used the platform for personal promotion of service and now I am using it for landing pages for clients as well.

I made this lens for a Cincinnati Ford dealer and it provides very relevant content and links to things such as their F-150 inventory.  The nice thing about using squidoo for business promotion is that is leverages the content of many to help your contnet get found.  It is just a great way for advertising.

This is very different than using things like auto played audio, which no one wants to hear.  You can build pages to promote your offers very effectively. 

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vanished Gone Outta Here

Well it looks like Voice2Page has finally closed shop permanently.  I am glad I played an instrumental part in helping the first batch of affiliate get the money back they paid into their old program.  I feel really sorry for all the people wh thought that they were poised to make money from the relauch.

Whe I first started blogging about the impending fiasco a little over a year ago many people really took it as a way to lash out against me.  I am sure I will be blamed in part for this in closed back rooms and seedy hotels in Las Vegas.  I can live with that.

What is cool though is all of the business I have geenrated from showing others how I can rank well in the search engines for various terms.  I am not regarded as an Automotive SEO expert by many.  One thing that can really provide a testament to my own abilities is that I was able to get a fresh site to rank on page one for Ford F150 Price Quotes in a matter of days.

On to my next project...

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Teh BPA Audit - Was it a Hoax?

I had received information that the audit from BPA Worldwide for NetAudioAds, PayPerPlay and Voice2Page was coming under scrutiny and today when I searched the BPA site for voice2page's status it looks like the report was pulled down.

What does this mean?

It is my assumption based on other information and this fact that possibly BPA decided to pull the audit report because the stats they were provided are comming under question and their reliability could not be trusted.  Lets face it.  When you have people that have never performed ethically at any interaction it is suprising that BPA did not dig deeper the first time around.

Oh well it looks like the Internet community has been another bad affiliate program and to think all the people who said I was full of it when I started blogging about this program destined for failure.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Larry Host the Ghost has Surfaced - Out Scamming Again?

Had a pretty interesting call this morning from Larry's newest victim in over promising and under delivering and taking money for work undone.  This seems to be a common trait of his that keeps resurfacing.

While I cannot confirm the story I was told he was living in a weekly rental hotel room in Las Vegas and his most recent victim has paid him thousands of dollars and he has yet to deliver anything.  If anyone is wanting to find out how to contact this company leave me a comment with your email address and once verified I will give you their contact info.  From the shenanigans described that he is doing according to this source it is borderline extortion, hopefully they will take my advice and file reports to that extent.

A word of caution to anyone wishing to hire him to do anything be very careful. He has consistently lied to people in when he was part of Voice2Page, NetAudioAds and PayPerPlay.  Right now it is listed that he has Absconded from probation in Michigan and is wanted.

I have better things to do with my time like helping a New Jersey Hyundai dealer cut down on their search engine marketing cost, that really wondering what the hell Larry Host is doing.  It is just sad if he is working a new scam.

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