Friday, December 26, 2008

Does it Have What it Takes?

I am working on a landing page for a friend of mine the help them sell 2009 Ford Escape Hybrid SUVs and I really do not like the layout well but feel like it will work well for its desired purpose and not force them to rely on search engine marketing to get leads for the vehicle.

I can assure you a little bit of search engine optimization goes a long way in finding buyers of products versus dismal referral traffic that things like pay per play could deliver with their key to page platform.  Having auto played audio instructing a surfer to perform an action is like a pop up.  To internet marketers it really is not a distraction but to the general public it is a bane versus aggressive SEO.

SEO help people looking for your product find it versus the spaghetti marketing intrusive advertising offers.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Shams Exist at all Levels Not Just Affiliate Marketing

Payperplay is probably dead as far as viability for the publishers and not there are even former members of the program that were highly supportive of it reaching out and letting the world know of all the problems they have experienced.  I really hate that this failed for some of my online friends.

On another note other shams exist in online marketing and big time players really sock it to car dealers.  I am not going to get into the details here but some use alleged education as a way to push their product thus causing car dealers to ignore other effective means of promoting their website.

One of the most ridicules things I have heard in recent times is one vendor tells dealers to not worry about SEO on their site and dealer search engine marketing provides more value.  That reeks of perversion and used as a way to encourage them to spend money on pay per click platforms for dismal traffic results versus getting higher traffic numbers from natural traffic.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More on winning on localized traffic for affiliate marketing

I set up a wordpress blog that is getting national traffic for certian search terms.  In two day in existence it has made enough to buy a dinner out.  Not bad for something that I only have to work on every now and then.  It will probably take about for hours a month to maintain now.  It will probably build very targeted traffic for terms like Bennett Chevrolet and 2009 Shelby Mustang pretty fast.

The downside to this is it may not last and require more work than I plan, but that is ok by me.  I do not have to worry about recruiting downlines or getting blamed in back rooms for destrying a membersite.  The thing with Netaudioads is it was destined for failure from the start and most of the content I published about it was probably over looked by many but ther was plenty of content about how bad an idea it was even if they had someone decent at the helm.

When you put people in charge of something that has had as many life and financial problems as the people they had running this thing coupled with the other obvouis concerns you wind up with what you got.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why don't people just drop it?

I did a post a while back about an interaction I had with imagic lab when I was an internet sales manager for Carl Gregory Hyundai. Basically my interaction with an over aggressive salesperson lied to me and the owner was aloof when I questioned him about it.

At the time I asked that a set up fee be waived in exchange for some free promotion at my blog and they shot down the request without even visiting the site. At the time my profile in the industry was not on the radar and the blog was new and did not get much traffic. No it is one of the top blogs in the niche.

I did not make any character judgments just blogged about my interactions with their unprofessional staff and my interaction. Now it looks like he thinks I personally attacked him. The problem is for him his past is as shady as certain "Host" we know and commentators at my blog have pointed out his past before he started imagic lab. I hope I am not the moron he is referring too.

Traffic stats show he of had an attorney to review the content. Now when they try to access the site they get a custom error message. What ws even more funny is when they kept refreshing in an attempt to get past it. I guess they really do not understand technology that well.

imagic labs traffic stats


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Perfect use of junk like this

I revived this blog only for one reason and that is to provide value to others who looking for ways to expand their business. The problem with most internet marketing promotions that require you to recruit other people that the real money makers are at the top and everyone else if just fodder in the machine.

Just the other day I was speaking with a friend that works for a Newark car lot and he was expressing how he needs to find other ways to supplement his income or improve his business. One of the best recommendations that I could give him was to start a car dealer blog.  While this may not be the the end all be all it will allow him to get traffic that he could not get to a typical car dealer website.

Another friend who works for a Loveland used car dealer told me that his traffic has been way up over the last few weeks because of SEO efforts they have been doing to their site.  At the end of the day a strong seo campaign coupled with other online properties it will allow dealers the opportunity to reach out and strike other markets.

What does this have to do with NetAudioAds?  Not a thing it just allows me to use this site for things that can help others not hurt them.  It did its job getting the truth out about their problems before people got burned good thing a few people listened, others are just hanging on chasing a Internet dream.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Harnessing the Power of Squidoo for Affiliate Marketing

For those that have not been living under a rock you have probably heard of Squidoo.  One of the great ways that you can leverage it is to have different profiles for different things.  I have someone I am mentoring on using Squidoo for affiliate marketing and she has taken the bull buy by the horns.

She only has around 20 live "lenses" but they are generating a nice income for her. This special profile she is using only targets geographical automotive affiliate products.  Her content is mostly car buying tips and then pushes lead affiliates.  She made over $500 in October just from affiliate conversions this does not include the money she will make from squidoo directly.

One thing that is a given.  As long as squidoo does not change their terms of service it is an awesome income generation tool.  You can be rest assured Seth Godin will stand behind what he does and probably aready has it in place in the even of his untimely demise squidoo will be around long after he is gone. 

Something to think about before you just jump into any affiliate program or putting your good name out there to promote something.  If you do not have an account at squidoo get one here.

Ok it is time for me to get back in the trenches.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Need to Waste this Space -

I really hope for all that have been involved with Pay Per Play that a lesson has been learned. That things that sound to good to be true actually are. I really feel sorry for MK and even more so due to his health. I do not want to loose lose the real value of this property so I will be using it more so for helping people find other useful things on the web.

Internet marketing is a great way to earn income. What is funny to see is industries missing it wide in their online marketing initiatives. On thing that can be done when you find a soft niche like Tulsa Chevrolet Dealers you need to capitalize on them.

So I have a protege that I am working with to help them dominate the Tulsa automotive market area!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

DOA as Promised

I had shut this blog down a while back because it really served no purpose anymore and really it probably does not any longer.  What has been interesting to see is that some of the staunch supporters who actually went after me for pointing out the holes and problems that voice2page and netaudioads has had in the past are now really out to make sure they never have a chance.

I really wanted to see this company succeed, due to the fact I am friends with people that have stakes in the company.  I wanted the mass number of people to make sure that they followed through with the things they were promised due to the fact they have a past of not doing the right thing running affiliate programs in the past.

Now it is just an after thought to add this site back to the mix. However google still looks at it as very relevant content because it was ranking number two for the search term netaudio ads even with blog closed to readers.  Now I will revisit here once a week or so and post interesting things that are found on the net as it relates to affiliate marketing.

Like now I have an apprentice that is attempting bum marketing with some user generated content sites to generate affiliate income via lead generation.  Her first keyword group she is going after is Tulsa Chevrolet Dealerships.  It will be fun to see how fast we can get a squidoo lens to rank for it.  Now it is on page five.  I think in a few days it will be on page one.  We shall see..

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

The BPA Audit for NetAudioAds - PayPerPlay - What a joke!!

I have reviewed the preliminary audit from BPA and I have to say I cannot believe that it took BPA over 4 months to compile data that could be found in a simple stat program. With voice2page the ones providing the "data" measured and not using any tracking provided by BPA to NetAudioAds it really says nothing. The data was provided PayPerPlay and presented in a format that the untrained human eye can read. Awstats inside of cpanel does the same thing.

Folk you have just waited for a bunch of nothing based on the content I saw. The report lack integrity. BPA has no certification that the data provided to them is accurate other than maybe a signature from a convicted felon. They should of provided NAA with a tracking code to imped in the JS if they wanted to provide factual data.

This reminds me of stuff I hear from idiotic automotive gurus. Lots of noise that is about nothing just like the launch that has yet to happen with NetAudioAds.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Four Months After Launch - Still Waiting

Netaudiads seems to have lost all of it's steam to the point even the zealots are tired. They are starting to see that the hype machine that was built has been abandoned by the founder of Pay Per Play.

As they were in the process of building their initial pool of MLM bottom feeders Charles Heflin took to blogoshpere defending the adveertising medium dubbed, NetAudioAds, when main stream bloggers spoke out about how bad of an idea the product and compensation plan really is.

Below is a capture or a comment that he left at

He made a few statements in this comment that are pure comedic at this point.

"We have procured over 66,000 advertisers"

In conversations in the past with Charles he said these are the numbers that are being fed to him by voice2page and now it is evident that this is a 100% false statement. Now they keep playing the shell game with their publishers about an audit report before advertisers are willing to come on board. In spite or their original claims touting advertisers and Charles attack in blog comments.

"Who cares who ranks #1 for NetAudioAds"

With the repeated contacts I have had with the likes of Sam Deeb and other small investors in the company it is an issue for them. I have had repeated contacts and veiled threats from these individuals about taking down this site.

I don't know what your opinion is of a company that uses deception to build their marketing list, but I know mine. I just wonder how the handful of publishers that are hanging on for the "ramp up" can still believe anything coming from "NAA Central" as it does look like the original front man has jumped ship like he said he would if they did not deliver on their promises.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nothing ever delivered as promised

Every promise that netaudioads has ever made to its publishers or advertisers has never been delivered and still the zealots continue to think this is the next greatest thing since sliced bread. To bad they infected this product with MLM wannabe empire builders.

All they have seen in return is broken promises and zero honesty. Hurrah to you Larry Host, great job!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can they meet this deadline?

This is very exciting news. The stats came back up around 3:30 EDT Friday, so we could see the new system up and working as soon as Sunday afternoon. Hopefully this will include all three levels. It will be fun to discover how much money we have earned after three weeks of not really being able to chart our business.

It is doubtful but this will be like number 200 missed, Just funny to see the MLM bullshit going on in their forum. Some will some wont so what? so what is leaving in droves, can they save any credibility? Doubtful!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Broken Promises + Piss Poor Management = Never Off the Ground

The NetAudioAds - PayPerPlay network was announced with an enormous amount of flurry to build a "publisher pool" to deliver adverting in an auto played audio format it is apparent that they have yet to meet a single deadline that they have imposed on themselves.

Their forum traffic is almost nil as it does appear that the publishers have jumped ship. Even the vocal ones that were holding hands singing Kumbaya and encouraging others to keep the faith have abandoned them.

The Founder of PayPerPlay, Charles Heflin, has abandoned the party if his lack of involvement is any indication. Larry Host, the telecom pariah, uses his intimidation tactics to keep people in line to the point even the ones supporting this effort don't reach out to him anymore.

I think we can now officially mark down the PayPerPlay network and NetAudioAds as DOA. Hopefully the talented people that that started voice2page can regain control of this shell and turn the technology into a viable product.

This reminds me of the auto surf debacles, fortunately people did not lose any money, unless they paid to promote it, just time and expectations.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are these Political Ads Legal?

At the PayPerPlay forum, Larry Host of NetAudioAds commented on the political ads running on the PayPerPlay Network. The real question is do these ads fall into the guidelines given by the Federal Election Commission?

Larry Host States:

One of the demo ads is for Heather Wilson in New Mexico. We decided to make the demo ads as realistic as possible so that advertisers could envision how theirs would sound.

We will probably not have paid political ads until closer to the conventions and elections.

We have several campaigns on board already and more are coming in.

The real question for politicians using this form of advertising can can meet the requirements of the Federal Election Commission Required Disclaimers inside of the 5 Second Ad.

Taken from the FEC Website:

What disclaimers must appear in political ads and mailings?

Political committees must include a clear and conspicuous disclaimer on all "public communications" (e.g., TV and radio ads, newspaper, magazine or outdoor advertising, and mass mailings or telephone banks to the general public). Public communications financed by individuals or other organizations must include a disclaimer if the communication expressly advocates a candidate's election or defeat or solicits funds. The disclaimers must indicate who paid for the communication and whether or not it was authorized by a candidate. Unauthorized ads must also include contact information for the sponsoring organization. For additional information, see our brochure, Special Notices on Political Ads and Solicitations.

While it is not my position to advise politicians to run their campaign but it just appears that Political Ads via the PayPerPlay Network may not be able to deliver an effective political advertisement and meet the disclosure requirements inside of a 5 second "adlet".

While NetAudioAds may not have to adhere to the equal time rules because they are not a licensed broadcast medium they may very well be required to report their contributions to the candidates and limits mandated by Federal Law. Maybe the Federal Election Commission can provide an audit that the publishers have been desperately waiting on...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

How Targeted is This?

PayPerPlay and NetAudioAds is running "fake ads" in order to fill their network at this moment, but it does look like they are not taking the time to use it as a full test of their alleged capabilities.

In the past NetAudioAds has claimed sites are spidered for keyword relevance and they have the ability to geo targeted delivery of ads and I have yet to see a good example of this working.

I was recently sent a link to a site about dog training which was a typical spam site. All of the content was derived either from PLR articles or taken from article directories. There was no original content on the site.

What was amazing is that I heard ads for a law firm in Oklahoma which was about as untargeted ad that I could of heard on a dog training site. I confirmed with the firm that they do not specialize in animal rights or dog training legal issues across the country.

The ad was not targeted to the content nor was it anywhere close to being geo targeted, I am in coastal Georgia. I would think that if you were going to test your network with "fake ads" you would try to use the technology that you are claiming to have in place to your publishers and advertisers.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Misinformation and lack of integrity by Larry Host and Charles Heflin

Larry Host is trying to distribute false information about me in an attempt to discredit some sad truths about NetAudioAds. The problem with this whole deal is that they have money problems now as well as in the past and the product as it is being presented now is poor use of a decent product.

While I have never stated that Voice2Page has not refunded all of the prior affiliates Larry has given private email communications to others to publish on other blogs about the refund transaction I had with Voice2Page. He fails to bring up the fact that it did take them well over a month to refund all of the former affiliates. Sure I was one of the first ones refunded in an attempt to placate me for his poor behavior and denigrating tone. Which happens to be the reason why the company has been stifled in the past and will never prosper under his helm.

Some interesting thing you will find when you look in the San Diego Public and Albuquerque Records.

Larry Host Sued for Fraud by a Telecom Company

Larry Host being evicted

Larry Host being evicted again

You will have to do your own search in the Albuquerque, New Mexico Courts just type in Host L for the search parameters and you will find there where:

Larry Host Extradition Hearing in New Mexico

Larry Host being sued by another Telecom in New Mexico

Case Dismissed against Larry Host and His wifes company in New Mexico

Larry Host being evicted in New Mexico

Restraining Order Filed and divorce proceedings

Where his Wife Got in Trouble in New Mexico for Trafficking Controlled Substances

Now Breaking an Entering and Guilty Pleas for Methamphetaime

It is apparent why Mr Host doesn't mind going to court, he seems to be an expert at it..

Now Mr Heflin has embraced this company too. It does appear he has a propensity to not pay commissions either just like the company he is in bed with now and you will also see where he stole content and claimed it as his.

Charles Heflin Not Paying Commissions

Charles Heflin Stealing Content

Here is the original work that he stole

and using the Wayback machine you can see what he claimed as his on his

Blog at SEO 20/20

Which he removed after a DMCA Complaint was filed

DMCA Complaint Against Charles Heflin

And since Heflin is trying to push false negative information about me as well you can do a records search in Horry County South Carolina and see where he had a home foreclosed on and was sued by the local hospital.

Check it out at Horry County Public Records.

These are publicly available records. As another blogger likes to point out about information about me, that is patently false. She says my place of birth is 150 miles from Monroe, LA which could not be further from the truth. People will believe anything they want and I encourage you to do some due diligence into the past of the people inside of this company before believing a word that they say.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why NetAudioAds time has already come and gone

I found this video on and it shows the current paradigm in online marketing today and if you take the time to let the message really sink in you will understand why the time has already passed for auto played audio advertising if you are trying to attract real customers for your business.

Today's consumer does not want a one way sales pitch from companies they do business with. Customers want dialog and one of the surest ways to alienate a potential customer is to scream in their ear with an online audio ad they are not expecting.

I will be going into great detail in the near future at a blog I have partnered on dealing with Online Automotive Marketing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Contacted By Sam Deeb of NetAudioAds - Motive Explained

On Friday March 14th, 2008 Sam Deeb the CEO of NetAudioAds contacted me via telephone in an attempt to persuade me to take this site down. During this lively conversation it would appear to me that he really does not know what is really going on with his business.

While that statement may not be harsh he would not address some of the concerns that have been stated here and he continually tried to extract my motive for this blog from me. While I am almost positive that the call was monitored or even recorded on his end, I do not have a full transcript of the call and am only working on my memory here.

Apparently the truth coming out about this organization has caused them some problems in finding investors to help launch NetAudioAds. I have received confirmation from Sam and other investors in Voice2Page that new investors are staying away from this because of the bad publicity the advertising platform has received from many sources.

  • Aaron Wall at SEO Book has stated that "NetAudioAds is Wasting Publicity on a Bad Idea" and even mentions the fact that this site out ranks NetAudioAds in the search engines for their name. (Without Giving a Link :( )
    You would think the fact that the founder of Pay Per Play being a self proclaimed SEO Guru that should be a non issue. Maybe the diatribe he spouts at his SEO blog is full of holes. He has even shut down his member site.
  • Ian Fenando at his blog talks about the fact that "5 Seconds of Annoyance: PayPerPlay" and how bad of an advertising platform this really is and how it goes against conventional wisdom and points out some of the same holes in the recruitment pitch by PayPerPlay.
  • Jeremy Schoemaker at the Shoemoney Blog talks about how the people promoting it are resorting to spam comments at blogs and forums to get their referral links out there in his post - "PayPerPlay Audio Ads - Innovative of Annoying"
  • Duncan Riley at TechCrunch is encouraging all of their competition in the blogoshpere to sign up for this form of intrusive internet marketing in his post "PayPerPlay Media: I was wrong. TC Competitors should all sign up" and discusses the rather unprofessional email sent to him by Charles Heflin, the PayPerPlay organizer, defending the program.
It is just not me saying how bad of an idea that auto start audio advertising is. TheVoice2Page product and NetAudioAds does have valuable benefits, but not in its current state as being touted by PayPerPlay and the quality of the new affiliates promoting the product as a monetization source for publishers is laudable to say the least. I have to reject comments daily that are made with no other intention than trying to get their link on the Number 1 Site in the G for the Search Term NetAudioAds.

People have continually questioned my motives for this blog and now is the time for me to come clean with the real deal. The interactions that I have had with Larry Host the "CTO" of Voice2Page/NetAudioAds have been less than savory to say the least especially concerning the old affiliate program that was killed by Sam Deeb and Larry, without notifying the old affiliates. Even individuals I have been in contact with have stated that Larry Host has been the biggest hurdle on anything due to poor demeanor and antisocial behavior. This coupled with the fact that they, Voice2Page and NetAudioAds, have had problems handling money that was owed to other people.

The original launch materials used by PayPerPlay touted the user base built by the old affiliates in Voice2Page and made many false claims which even people inside of PayPerPlay are questioning now, while the original "core Partners" in voice2page were sidestepped in the launch, the original affiliates, consumers and users of the product for two and a half years.

To sum up my motive for this blog would be to motivate change inside of a company that has all the potential in the world and I really hold dear as one of the original affiliates and to enlighten others of the potential problems they may face with the current management structure in place and the lack of integrity in the marketing original materials used in the launch of PayPerPlay. The technology has a valuable applications but not as a advertising medium as being touted. The time for that would have been many years ago as it moves completely away from "Permission Based Marketing" and will pollute the web.

I have no financial interest in the company nor do I desire any at this point in it's current state. I don't want an apology for the way I was handled by Larry Host in the past because I know it would just be an attempt to placate and not genuine. Nor do I wish to be surfing the web and have my privacy intruded on more than it is by auto played audio advertising.

If that is not reason enough to justify this blog I suggest you not revisit it....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pay Per Play Starting to Doubt NetAudioAds Too?!?

It appears with all of the delays coming from NetAudioAds to launch the ad plays for the publishers in the Pay Per Play network even the founder of PayPerPlay is starting to show doubt.

Charles Heflin stated in the PayPerPlay forum found at

NAA is renting our network in exchange for commissions on audio plays. In theory we could (the PPP community ... not NAA) approach other opportunities should NAA not come through for us. We have a distribution of over 500,000,000 impressions per month. This is huge, we built this... not NAA. What NAA did was give us a way to earn through the network that we built... We're just waiting for them to deliver.


I say this to help everyone understand that if NAA has further delays, or something goes awry, DOES NOT mean we should all disband. We have all done the work of adding code to our site(s) ... there is no more work for us to do in that regard so all we have to do is work as a team with NAA to fill OUR network with ads.

In other words, let's not let our success or failure ride on our own expectations of what the 15th is supposed to bring... It will bring what it brings but OUR success as a network is not dependent on NAA because we have the power to monetize OUR network in other ways should we desire.

This was in response to some of the publishers in the Pay Per Play network starting to wane because it appears that every self imposed deadline that Larry Host has given himself has been missed.

Only time will tell if they, NetAudioAds, are capable of delivering anything to anybody. If they loose the publishers they have now because of further delays how can they deliver advertising for it's customers if any volume really exist.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Being Honest with Core Partners - Is it in the Game Plan for Pay Per Play?

In the original marketing materials from Pay Per Play to attract new publishers and affiliates to make NetAudioAds viable they made some statements may haunt them long term, yet they will not acknowledge directed questions concerning their claims.

This is taken from their original Marketing Materials:

NetAudioAds™ (the patent holder) already has over 550,000 registered members that have been earning income this way for 2 ½ years.

This claim is a lie and yet they will not answer directed questions about it, however they use questions directed about this and the other claim of:

Over 550,000 websites have been serving up to 43 million PPP plays each and every month for years. NetAudioAds™ millions of audio ads each month are too easily consumed by our search engine partner’s 66,000 eager advertisers, so the ad platform of 550,000 websites needs expanding from millions of audio ad plays a month to BILLIONS!

as an opportunity for them to try to denigrate people at their forum to quell the truth from coming out. They use the common tactic of sock puppets (thanks Charles for reminding me of that term) and cattle calls to try to squash open debate and even resort to libelous comments and general attempted character assassinations.

You would think 2 1/2 years of success and an inventory of 43 Million ads to be delivered they should not be having the pains that they are having now.

They have claimed that 555,000 people have been receiving income from the 43 million ad plays being served by their system for the last 2 and one half years and I claim that is an inaccurate and false claim made in their recruitment pitch from day one and I still stand by that.

People have asked me to substantiate my claims in a caustic fashion:

Charles Heflin said:

The bottom line is that Paul has told me so many allegations without proof that I frankly don't believe a word that he says about anything. He pro ports to know things that an affiliate could not possibly know... again, without evidence.

and Jason Collins said:

If you have evidence to support ANY of your claim then I challenge you to either post it here or STFU! If Charles has libeled you then I suggest that you file suit. If NetAudio owes you money then I suggest that you file suit.

To answer Charles Heflin's comments about "allegations without proof" I counter to ask him to verify the claims that he made in the marketing materials and his reply has always been "This is information given to me by Larry Host".

If cash flow were good it would not of taken a month for them to refund the former affiliates for the fees they paid in and if those affiliates that helped build the 550,000 registered member base were being compensated for the last 2 and one half years for ad plays then there would be no need for Pay Per Play. Those affiliates would be referring others to Voice2Page and NetAudioAds and the built in marketing ability of half a million people would have more publishers and users than Pay Per Play could ever pull off.

I challenge Charles and NetAudioAds to prove those statements made in the marketing materials that anyone with average intelligence should be able to see through. As an original affiliate with the company, personal contacts with the original affiliate manager and other investors in the company I can state without a doubt these claims are complete hype and overly forward false statements.

And to answer Jason Collins. I gave Charles Heflin a pass for his previous libelous statements made at the Affiliate Tips Blog based on a gentleman's agreement, because he even admitted to me that he drew the wrong inferences from conversations with Larry Host and Sam Deeb but now he is trying to use false statements and crystal ball powers to denigrate me at his forum to keep from answering the tough questions

I wonder how he knows what I will say and the evidence brought forward in this post should give anyone with minimal intelligence to second guess anything coming from NetAudioAds or Pay Per Play.

Maybe it is time to file a suit, because he is taking every pop shot he can on his turf and is banning me from posting in his forum after he published comments designed to denigrate and diminish stature and I have never attempted to discredit his integrity just publish the facts as I see them.

Here is the definition of Libel from

1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.

Take that as food for thought and to Victoria I will address your concerns in a post soon.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Soon People Forget - NetAudioAds is failing misrably and the PayPerPlay Crowd is starting to wane..

Lots of things have not happened since the February 1st Launch of Pay Per Play and it does look like this thing is flopping miserably.

In their original Marketing Statements they made some of the following claims:

  • A search engine partner but the name could not be released until after February 1st. What has happened is that they have had some limited contacts with Yahoo and possibly they are not embracing this as the advertising medium of the future, for obvious reasons.
  • Publishers would be paid for 100% of their traffic. This is not happening nor will it ever happen in my opinion. They cannot find enough advertisers at the CPM they are selling this advertising for to make it profitable even for them. They need to reduce the CPM to around $1 to even have a chance. Seeing how PayPerPlay started by encouraging SPAM Sites to deliver the ads with..
Now they have resorted to begging for new US publishers for the BPA audit. Charles Helfin stated in the Pay Per Play Forum:

NAA reopened because there is demand for more in the USA from "BPA pending" advertisers for more and they are willing to pay for it... plain and simple... should we give it to them or just "hold off"?

What they are starting to realize is that this type of hyped up program is only going to appeal to bottom feeder publishers that really are only into web publishing for the money. I do it for the money as well but I look to provide my site visitors with valued information first and monetization second as do all successful publishers. If you take care of your visitors the dollars will follow it is not the other way around.

This whole advertising concept goes completely against "best practices" in web publishing so they are attracting publishers that are less than. They will never get the dominate US footprint they claim to need because any serious publisher is staying away this so they do not annoy their visitors.

I can't wait to see the possibly mythical BPA Audit....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The launch that wasn't......

The February 1 launch that was highly anticipated by the new batch of affiliates did an amazing FLOP. The official word from NetAudioAds and PayPerPlay was that they were performing a soft launch.

Not only are they telling the new affiliates that it will be 30-60 days before the ads start playing for them to monetize their sites they have not released the name of the mysterious search partner that they touted in their marketing materials.

What it looks like to me is that they do not have any advertisers despite the claims during their rev up. As I well know the advertisers they were using as examples were not real.

Voice2page has had problems running an affiliate program before and now they just alienated the new batch of zealots to make their product viable. With all of the claims they made about all of the testing and people already earning money from ad plays you would think in the 2 1/2 year lead up to the PayPerPlay launch this should of been a smooth rollout.

In my opinion it is a lack of advertisers willing to pay to annoy surfers.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are Advertisers really willing to pay over 50% commision for this?

NetAudioAds has yet to reveal their "search engine" partner and still seems to be gaining steam in affiliate signups as well as others coming out of the wood work to to say how bad of an idea this is.

Not only can it really be determined what the real payout will to "publishers" the math I have been seeing does not add up. I have seen claims all over claiming as much as $30 cpm for publishers. Which would mean $120 cpm cost to the advertiser. I know you can get a 300x250 banner on for $6 cpm or less which has a very broad reach.

I am speculating that the original advertisers, if there are any, will probably be gouged during the launch and will either wake up and push prices down or discontinue advertising. Another thing they are failing to tell publishers is if they are using ad agencies to sell this product they will be paying them agencies 20-30% right off the top.

For illustration only lets use $10 cpm and bread that down for the publishers:

The sales commission will take away 20% to leave $8 as the effective rate.

Of that they are to pay out 35% to publishers plus what ever override Pay Per Play is taking. That sure does not leave much for Voice2Page nor does it provide a real value to advertisers when the sales prices is loaded with over 50% in commission.

Lets get real - Does this really stand a chance for an advertiser or as a publisher?