Monday, December 15, 2008

Shams Exist at all Levels Not Just Affiliate Marketing

Payperplay is probably dead as far as viability for the publishers and not there are even former members of the program that were highly supportive of it reaching out and letting the world know of all the problems they have experienced.  I really hate that this failed for some of my online friends.

On another note other shams exist in online marketing and big time players really sock it to car dealers.  I am not going to get into the details here but some use alleged education as a way to push their product thus causing car dealers to ignore other effective means of promoting their website.

One of the most ridicules things I have heard in recent times is one vendor tells dealers to not worry about SEO on their site and dealer search engine marketing provides more value.  That reeks of perversion and used as a way to encourage them to spend money on pay per click platforms for dismal traffic results versus getting higher traffic numbers from natural traffic.

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