Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More on winning on localized traffic for affiliate marketing

I set up a wordpress blog that is getting national traffic for certian search terms.  In two day in existence it has made enough to buy a dinner out.  Not bad for something that I only have to work on every now and then.  It will probably take about for hours a month to maintain now.  It will probably build very targeted traffic for terms like Bennett Chevrolet and 2009 Shelby Mustang pretty fast.

The downside to this is it may not last and require more work than I plan, but that is ok by me.  I do not have to worry about recruiting downlines or getting blamed in back rooms for destrying a membersite.  The thing with Netaudioads is it was destined for failure from the start and most of the content I published about it was probably over looked by many but ther was plenty of content about how bad an idea it was even if they had someone decent at the helm.

When you put people in charge of something that has had as many life and financial problems as the people they had running this thing coupled with the other obvouis concerns you wind up with what you got.

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