Saturday, February 2, 2008

The launch that wasn't......

The February 1 launch that was highly anticipated by the new batch of affiliates did an amazing FLOP. The official word from NetAudioAds and PayPerPlay was that they were performing a soft launch.

Not only are they telling the new affiliates that it will be 30-60 days before the ads start playing for them to monetize their sites they have not released the name of the mysterious search partner that they touted in their marketing materials.

What it looks like to me is that they do not have any advertisers despite the claims during their rev up. As I well know the advertisers they were using as examples were not real.

Voice2page has had problems running an affiliate program before and now they just alienated the new batch of zealots to make their product viable. With all of the claims they made about all of the testing and people already earning money from ad plays you would think in the 2 1/2 year lead up to the PayPerPlay launch this should of been a smooth rollout.

In my opinion it is a lack of advertisers willing to pay to annoy surfers.

3 comments: ~ Administrator said...

What i don't understand is all the people over on their site still going on and on about how great PPP, this on day 3 of a giant flop of a launch. Methinks they are one or two insiders paid to post a bunch of positive comments. If you try to post anything negative, oh like how, this company is obviously in shambles and will likely never roll out one single ad, you're labelled a troll. Is there some consumer protection site where they can be reported?

Admin said...

i have an affiliate account with ppp and each time i log in to check my revenue, it says "we have played so many ads yesterday, our system broke down" or somthing in that manner... "please come back later...bla, bla ... friday night...!
i didn't put much effort in this campain any way, but it hurts a little to see such a great idea, like ppp, going to hell...
good luck to every one and have a great time minding ppp


x said...

I've never seen a company so full of excuses. Who is this Charles Heflin guy? Even after breaking a dozen promises about the intial launch, he went on to promise that the program would be running March 1. Shockingly, it's still not doing a thing.

I have made a total of 70 cents from this company in a month. In that same month, I made more than 400 dollars with Google Adsense. So, really not worth it.

Giant flop, giant scam, giant disappointment.