Thursday, January 29, 2009

Teh BPA Audit - Was it a Hoax?

I had received information that the audit from BPA Worldwide for NetAudioAds, PayPerPlay and Voice2Page was coming under scrutiny and today when I searched the BPA site for voice2page's status it looks like the report was pulled down.

What does this mean?

It is my assumption based on other information and this fact that possibly BPA decided to pull the audit report because the stats they were provided are comming under question and their reliability could not be trusted.  Lets face it.  When you have people that have never performed ethically at any interaction it is suprising that BPA did not dig deeper the first time around.

Oh well it looks like the Internet community has been another bad affiliate program and to think all the people who said I was full of it when I started blogging about this program destined for failure.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Larry Host the Ghost has Surfaced - Out Scamming Again?

Had a pretty interesting call this morning from Larry's newest victim in over promising and under delivering and taking money for work undone.  This seems to be a common trait of his that keeps resurfacing.

While I cannot confirm the story I was told he was living in a weekly rental hotel room in Las Vegas and his most recent victim has paid him thousands of dollars and he has yet to deliver anything.  If anyone is wanting to find out how to contact this company leave me a comment with your email address and once verified I will give you their contact info.  From the shenanigans described that he is doing according to this source it is borderline extortion, hopefully they will take my advice and file reports to that extent.

A word of caution to anyone wishing to hire him to do anything be very careful. He has consistently lied to people in when he was part of Voice2Page, NetAudioAds and PayPerPlay.  Right now it is listed that he has Absconded from probation in Michigan and is wanted.

I have better things to do with my time like helping a New Jersey Hyundai dealer cut down on their search engine marketing cost, that really wondering what the hell Larry Host is doing.  It is just sad if he is working a new scam.

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