On Friday March 14th, 2008 Sam Deeb the CEO of
NetAudioAds contacted me via telephone in an attempt to persuade me to take this site down. During this lively conversation it would appear to me that he really does not know what is really going on with his business.
While that statement may not be harsh he would not address some of the concerns that have been stated here and he continually tried to extract my motive for this blog from me. While I am almost positive that the call was monitored or even recorded on his end, I do not have a full transcript of the call and am only working on my memory here.
Apparently the truth coming out about this organization has caused them some problems in finding investors to help launch NetAudioAds. I have received confirmation from Sam and other investors in Voice2Page that new investors are staying away from this because of the bad publicity the advertising platform has received from many sources.
- Aaron Wall at SEO Book has stated that "NetAudioAds is Wasting Publicity on a Bad Idea" and even mentions the fact that this site out ranks NetAudioAds in the search engines for their name. (Without Giving a Link :( )
You would think the fact that the founder of Pay Per Play being a self proclaimed SEO Guru that should be a non issue. Maybe the diatribe he spouts at his SEO blog is full of holes. He has even shut down his member site.
- Ian Fenando at his blog talks about the fact that "5 Seconds of Annoyance: PayPerPlay" and how bad of an advertising platform this really is and how it goes against conventional wisdom and points out some of the same holes in the recruitment pitch by PayPerPlay.
- Jeremy Schoemaker at the Shoemoney Blog talks about how the people promoting it are resorting to spam comments at blogs and forums to get their referral links out there in his post - "PayPerPlay Audio Ads - Innovative of Annoying"
- Duncan Riley at TechCrunch is encouraging all of their competition in the blogoshpere to sign up for this form of intrusive internet marketing in his post "PayPerPlay Media: I was wrong. TC Competitors should all sign up" and discusses the rather unprofessional email sent to him by Charles Heflin, the PayPerPlay organizer, defending the program.
It is just not me saying how bad of an idea that auto start audio advertising is. TheVoice2Page product and NetAudioAds does have valuable benefits, but not in its current state as being touted by
PayPerPlay and the quality of the new affiliates promoting the product as a monetization source for publishers is laudable to say the least. I have to reject comments daily that are made with no other intention than trying to get their link on the
Number 1 Site in the G for the Search Term NetAudioAds.
People have continually questioned my motives for this blog and now is the time for me to come clean with the real deal. The interactions that I have had with Larry Host the "CTO" of Voice2Page/NetAudioAds have been less than savory to say the least especially concerning the old affiliate program that was killed by Sam Deeb and Larry, without notifying the old affiliates. Even individuals I have been in contact with have stated that Larry Host has been the biggest hurdle on anything due to poor demeanor and antisocial behavior. This coupled with the fact that they, Voice2Page and NetAudioAds, have had problems handling money that was owed to other people.
The original launch materials used by PayPerPlay touted the user base built by the old affiliates in Voice2Page and made many false claims which even people inside of PayPerPlay are questioning now, while the original "core Partners" in voice2page were sidestepped in the launch, the original affiliates, consumers and users of the product for two and a half years.
To sum up my motive for this blog would be to motivate change inside of a company that has all the potential in the world and I really hold dear as one of the original affiliates and to enlighten others of the potential problems they may face with the current management structure in place and the lack of integrity in the marketing original materials used in the launch of
PayPerPlay. The technology has a valuable applications but not as a advertising medium as being touted. The time for that would have been many years ago as it moves completely away from "
Permission Based Marketing" and will pollute the web.
I have no financial interest in the company nor do I desire any at this point in it's current state. I don't want an apology for the way I was handled by Larry Host in the past because I know it would just be an attempt to placate and not genuine. Nor do I wish to be surfing the web and have my privacy intruded on more than it is by auto played audio advertising.
If that is not reason enough to justify this blog I suggest you not revisit it....